Monday, February 1, 2010

*insert tampon joke here* -or- OMG YOU GUYS!!! THE IPAD IS COMING!!

The only thing I really know about the ipad is that I was really tired of hearing about it leading up to the announcement of it. So let's talk more about it, right? Right? Who's with me?


There have been some really cool filmmaking apps that have been released for the iphone, but that isn't what I am talking about now, BUT I will talk about at a later date. Excited?!?! As you should be. Both with that and my run-on sentence that started this paragraph. What I am covering today is how the ipad will help the filmmaker. Being that I still have trouble referring to myself as a filmmaker, I am going to pass the torch to to some much smarter and more experienced folks than me in the art of filmmaking and the aid of an ipad. (Yes that's correct, I am linking other blog entries to my blog. How lazy is that?)

Screenwriter extraordinaire John August on the ipad and screenwriting.

Fresh HDV and the ipad and creative types.


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