Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tell me what you think...

I was at a dinner party last week and the topic of my acceptance in to film school came up which seguewayed into working in film in general. We talked about the father of one of our dinner hosts who happens to be a screenwriter. While he wasn't at the dinner, she did have one of his screenplays which she handed to me and said, "tell me what you think." I have to admit, it was kinda cool that someone handed me a screenplay as somewhat of an authority in the field but let's not shit ourselves, at this point in my life I have no business doling out advice on screenplays. I am just a regular joe with an unhealthy obsession with film. How unhealthy you may ask? Today is August 3rd. Since January 1st I have watched 207 films. 207!!?!?! Moderately ridiculous. Granted I have read screenplays and books on screenplays and filmmaking in the past but still, just a guy who is interested in the industry. And everything I've read about people handing you screenplays without going through proper channels (i.e. agent, production company, etc.) says to not accept them. I'm sure it boils down to preventing further lawsuits dealing with the misappropriation of ideas. That's the way the industry works. Also, if I ever refer to myself as "working in the industry," please take me out back and shoot me. So what about the screenplay that I was handed? I was so jet lagged from vacation that I left it sitting on their counter. I am a boob.

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