Having just returned last night from an overnight two-day shoot in the desert, I thought I would share our filming schedule. This is after I cleaned all sand from my cracks and crevices (pronounced CREE-VAH-SIS). For the shoot, my responsibility was that of a Production Coordinator.
Tuesday May 14th
04:45 AM Wake up, shower, eat, jump in car and head out to Citrus College.
06:15 AM Arrive at Citrus College. I had to arrive early to ensure that all crew were assigned to the appropriate passenger vans and that no one was left behind.
07:15 AM Three passenger vans begin the two hour drive to set in Johnson Valley.
09:30 AM Arrive on set. Immediately put on suntan lotion. Begin production.
12:30 PM Break for lunch.
01:00 PM Back to production.
07:30 PM Wrap production. Jump in passenger van and begin 35 minute drive to dinner.
08:15 PM Eat dinner.
09:00 PM Leave for hotel.
09:15 PM Arrive at hotel. Check-in. Shower immediately. Consume alcohol with cast and/or crew.
11:00 PM Sleep.
Wednesday May 15th
06:00 AM Wake. Shit. Shower. Eat.
07:30 AM Back into vans. Leave for set.
08:45 AM Arrive on set. Put on suntan lotion. Begin production.
01:00 PM Break for lunch.
01:30 PM Back to production.
07:15 PM Even though production hasn't wrapped, a van of crew had to leave set due to AFI rules in regards to hours worked and food and such. I was on that van.
09:15 PM Arrive at Citrus College. Jump in car and head for home, stopping only to grab some crappy drive-thru fast food.
10:15 PM Arrive at home. Shower immediately. Kiss wife. Pass out.
More stories from the set to come...