Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The bird is in the oven...

Ahhh the week of Thanksgiving. Due to the holiday we have an abbreviated school schedule. Just two nights of class and the first was a work-at-your-own-pace Pre-Production Lab. We pretty much just goofed off this night and talked about docs for a minor part of the class. 

The second night was a completely different story. The class was led by a past studio who now works in the "industry." Daniel lights professionally and that is what he taught us. How to light. This is actually a rather elusive skill set to master. What Daniel had us do tonight was light three different rooms or "scenes." It was great practice. Which is what lighting boils down to, for me at least. Both the practice of setting up lights and training your eye to what looks the best. It is an art form and you will people talk about "painting with light." Good class tonight. 

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