Friday, March 19, 2010

Consider my fancy tickled... 3/19

Due to it being an all around shite week I haven't done much work pushing my current project further, therefore I don't really have anything to add about my personal projects. Planning on some writing this weekend, hopefully... On to what I found interesting about film this last week.

Avatar is truly one of those rare films (Matrix, Pulp Fiction) that will change films and how we watch them for years to come. Interesting article on the negative effect of 3D and movies.

In addition to the poster mash-up at the top of this post, here is a cool Jabba The Hutt mash-up.

Normally I do not like to discuss politics, religion, or sports... but the brain-trust that is the Floridian Republican House Leaders are wanting to cut tax-incentives for movies that do not live up to their ideas of traditional family values. That means if you're making a movie about homosexuals don't bring those GAYS to the Sunshine State. Gotta love a failure of separation of church and state.... Sorry Key West!

To wrap things up, I'm actually gonna leave you with a helpful article (yes, I read other film related sites than Perez Hilton!!) on professional tips from a camera operator. I've enjoyed being a DP on friend's projects, and grabbing the camera on my own projects, but being a DP is a highly technical job and I'm not sure if I'm ready for that life-consuming undertaking. Still it's a great read...


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