Friday, January 29, 2010

We've got to go back... to the FUTURE!

Greetings gentle reader. I've missed you. *tear-drop* As my friend (who I often want to punch in the junk) Rommy says, "this blog is an update FAIL." I originally started this as a way to chronicle my time in film school but the responsibilities of said school, work, pregnant wife, and household duties trumped my blog time. Well baby is now here, I have my fancy-dancy film diploma, and life is starting to revert back to a semblance of normality so I am going to update as often as possible. "What will you be droning on about Bucky?" you may ask. I've jumped back in to the world of screenwriting and independent filmmaking so I will chronicle that, but I will also be posting whatever I find interesting that is related to the world of film and filmmaking. There will be a few retroactive posts regarding some projects I've worked on, which include a day-shoot for a music video with Talib Kweli. Please feel free to send complaints and cool film related items my way. I will promptly ignore all complaints and post the cool film items as if I found them myself. Speaking of which, the above pic can be found here.